Honolulu Lodge

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Makiki Temple
1227 Makiki Street
Honolulu, HI 96814
Honolulu Lodge Blue Lodge

Lodge Contact # 703 495-5080
Lodge Email Address: honolululodge@yahoo.com
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Chartered on 05/20/1989 by the Grand Lodge of Hawaii, Honolulu Lodge F. & A.M. in Honolulu, Hawaii is part of Grand Lodge of Hawaii.


On the ninth day of April 1895, a group of Masons gathered together at the home of Clinton B. Ripley to discuss the formation of a new lodge in Honolulu. Worshipful Brother Henry E. Cooper, the Junior Past Master of Hawaiian Lodge, spearheaded, engineered, organized, and obtained the proper documentation needed to institute a new lodge and laid the cornerstone to erect the new lodge. Pacific Lodge No. 822 was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Scotland through the District Grand Lodge of Queensland. In 1910, this Lodge transferred to the Grand Lodge of California and became known as Honolulu Lodge No. 409. In 1989, the Grand Lodge of Hawaii was chartered and Honolulu Lodge No. 409 became simply known as Honolulu Lodge.


It began rather modestly, more than a century ago, when a small group of Freemasons formed the founding charter of Pacific Lodge no. 822. Their goal was a simple one; to create an environment in which excellence thrives and to develop a place where they, their guests, and all future members could draw upon the sustaining values of a common Masonic experience. Here, in Honolulu, the capital city of the State of Hawaii, they established a permanent residence for their shared ideals. Through the generations, this magnificent institution has provided a stimulating atmosphere where members gather socially, expand culturally, and preserve and impart those high-minded masonic tenants which have endured since time immemorial.

Through the vitality of its members, it has evolved into one of Hawaii’s leading masonic lodges offering unparalleled experiences to members: from gracious fellowship and a deep respect for ritual and masonic knowledge, to an extensive creative and collaborative vision in all its undertakings.

Steeped in tradition, Honolulu Lodge reflects a warm and welcoming ambiance, while addressing the current needs of its membership. Enthusiastic members commit their skills and time to create this appealing atmosphere. Over the years, through a strong and active vision, members have been the source of the inspiration and leadership that ensures Honolulu Lodge’s continued relevance and importance to their lives and the world of Freemasonry.

The very heart and soul of Honolulu Lodge is its dedicated members.

Makiki Temple
1227 Makiki Street
Honolulu, HI 96814


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Upcoming Events

6:00 pm
Makiki Temple, 1227 Makiki Street, Honolulu, HI 96814
dinner 630pm lodge room 0730pm dress: long pants, closed toed shoes, dark clothes or Aloha Shirts in general. ANCIENT CHARGEFrom ancient times, no Master or Fellow could be absent from the Lodge, especially when warnedto appear at it,...


6:30 pm
Makiki Temple, 1227 Makiki Street, Honolulu, HI 96814
dinner 630pm lodge room 0730pm dress: long pants, closed toed shoes, dark clothes or Aloha Shirts in general. ANCIENT CHARGEFrom ancient times, no Master or Fellow could be absent from the Lodge, especially when warnedto appear at it,...


Recent News

Honolulu Lodge 2 months ago

https://honolulufreemasons.org/news/11/13/24 check your email, or cross check for any changes, and/or please call /text the secretary or SW as needed.

Honolulu Lodge 3 months ago

Any man 18 years of age or older who expresses a belief in a supreme being and an afterlife may be elected to membership in Honolulu Lodge F&AM. Such election shall require approval of the Committe...


Honolulu Lodge 3 months ago

The McKee Award may be given by the Grand Lodge, upon nomination by the Grand Master or by the Master of any Lodge, to any Master Mason: who has rendered distinguished service to his Lodge. It can ...


Honolulu Lodge 3 months ago

The Hiram Award may be given by the Lodge to one of its member and shall be considered the highest honor for service that can be bestowed upon a member by a Lodge. It is given once every three year...