Schofield Lodge

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PO Box 860033
Wahiawa, Hawaii, HI 96786
Schofield Lodge Blue Lodge

On December 8, 1913, a dispensation was granted to form a near Schofield Barracks Army Base, and on October 15, 1914, a charter was officially issued, founding Schofield Lodge No. 443, F. & A. M.

After the Grand Lodge of Hawaii was formally established in 1989, the lodge was re-chartered on May 20, 1989, as Schofield Lodge, F. & A. M. under their justification.

PO Box 860033
Wahiawa, Hawaii, HI 96786

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Upcoming Events

6:30 pm
650 Wilikina Dr, Wahiawa, HI 96786
Brethren, You are invited to attend our upcoming Masonic Stated Meeting: Dinner: 6:30 PMLodge Opens: 7:30 PMLocation: Schofield Masonic TempleOfficer Attire: Blue Schofield barong and dark pantsWe look forward to your presence and participat...
6:30 pm
650 Wilikina Dr, Wahiawa, HI 96786
Brethren, You are invited to attend our upcoming Masonic Stated Meeting: Dinner: 6:30 PMLodge Opens: 7:30 PMLocation: Schofield Masonic TempleOfficer Attire: Blue Schofield barong and dark pantsWe look forward to your presence and participat...

Recent News

Schofield Lodge 2 months ago

Brethren,As we gather with loved ones this Thanksgiving, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your fellowship, dedication, and commitment to Schofield Lodge. Together, we con...

Schofield Lodge 3 months ago

(22Oct2024) Congratulations to Bro. Pabalan and Bro. Felarca on becoming
Entered Apprentice Masons! This important step marks the beginning of
their Masonic journey, as they embrace the values ...

Schofield Lodge 3 months ago

(15Oct2024) Congratulations to Bro. Sagadraca and Bro. Dimaunahan on
being initiated as Entered Apprentice Masons! We are proud to welcome
you to the Craft as you begin your journey. This miles...

Schofield Lodge 3 months ago

(1Oct2024) Congratulations to Bro. Mayayao and Bro. Falle on becoming
Entered Apprentice Masons tonight! Welcome to the beginning of your
Masonic journey. May this path lead to growth, knowledg...

Schofield Lodge 3 months ago

We had a productive stated meeting tonight, ensuring the business of
the lodge continues to move forward smoothly. It was also great to have
Bro. Chris Agonoy, a member of our lodg...