Kilauea Lodge F.&A.M. January Trestleboard

 Kilauea Blue Lodge F. & A.M.  Hilo, Hawai’i             Trestleboard                      January 2025           

In the East

Brethren of Hilo Lodge,

     It is with profound humility and great joy that I greet you as the Master of our Lodge for the ensuing year. I am honored to serve in this role and to walk alongside each of you in the continued work of Freemasonry. Together, we strive to embody the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth—virtues that have been the cornerstone of our craft for centuries.

     I am excited to introduce our new Trestle Board Newsletter program this year. Designed with all brethren in mind, especially those who may not attend the Lodge as often as they’d like, it aims to keep everyone informed about what is happening in our Lodge. Just as the trestle board guided the hands of Master Builders in shaping great cathedrals of old, let it now guide our hearts and minds as we labor to build not just strong structures but strong bonds of brotherhood and purpose. I hope it will inspire greater participation and fellowship, strengthening our ties.

     As we embark on this Masonic journey together, I ask you an important question: What is your Masonic New Year’s resolution? If I ask you to consider our future, what would you like to achieve in the coming year? Whether it pertains to ritual, our building, charity, service, friendship, companionship, or enjoyment, I encourage you to set meaningful and achievable goals. Share your endeavors, for keeping in touch and working together creates the strongest team. I challenge each of you to find one new way this year to contribute to the life of our Lodge—whether by sharing your knowledge, mentoring a brother, or simply reaching out to someone we haven’t seen in a while. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things.

     One of my greatest joys in Freemasonry has been witnessing the growth and transformation that occurs when we come together in unity. Whether in ritual, service, or fellowship, I am continually inspired by the dedication of our brethren and the light we bring to one another. Above all, I hope 2025 is a year where you truly get the most out of your Freemasonry in Hilo. May you find joy in your experiences, feel enriched by the value of our work, and know that this brotherhood deeply values you.

     Let us labor diligently and harmoniously, knowing that the Great Architect of the Universe guides our work and blesses our efforts. Together, we can build a year filled with purpose, fellowship, and light.

Fraternally yours,

Lane Leeper

From the West

Aloha Brethren,

     I feel privileged to be elected as your Senior Warden for the ensuing Masonic year. With this new year and new position within the Lodge, I will do my best to serve the Lodge within the length of my cable tow. I want to congratulate all the newly elected and appointed officers. I would also like to thank Worshipful Sean Stueber for two great years as the Master of the Lodge. 

     As the exiting Junior Warden I would like to thank our Stewards, Brother Stephen Killabrew and Brother Dustin Mazone for all their hard work helping me with the meals this past year. Without them, I would not have pulled off all our great meals this past year. My favorite was the prime rib dinner. My second was the double-smoked ham with bourbon butter and brown sugar glaze. I would love to hear what yours was. Please keep up with getting the headcount to the new Junior Warden. It is a tremendous help.

     I am excited about what this new year will bring. As I enter a new decade of life, I know there is a lot to learn. For myself, it’s learning why I have new aches and pains that I never had. Within Masonry, my new role is Senior Warden. We have three fellow crafts that need to 

be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason this year. I hope everyone can be present to assist with this momentous occasion. The three great men I have the privilege to call my brothers deserve the heartfelt reception we all had when we achieved this milestone.

     Please attend Lodge if you have not attended in a while. It would be great to see you again or even meet you for the first time. Thank you to those brothers who have been attending and keep coming. Being able to use your 24-inch gauge wisely is our first-degree working tool; by it, we can divide our time to be able to attend Lodge. I enjoy everyone’s company, your fellowship allows me to be a better man. The goal we all want is to be better than we were before. We cannot grow if we stay static and by ourselves. Let us use our other first-degree working tool, the common gavel, and break off the rough parts of ourselves with fellowship.  As we travel on our daily journey, remember there is a family you choose that is always there for you.

Senior Warden Douglas Hoomanawanui

2025 Installation of Officers

Kilauea Blue Lodge F.&A.M. held its 2025 Installation of Officers on Friday December 6th, 2024. Worshipful Master Lane Leeper was installed as Master of the Lodge, Douglas Ho’omanawanui was installed as Senior Warden and Most Worshipful Michael Janovsky was installed as Junior Warden. The Officers were installed by RW Michael Lopez and was attended by family friends and several Grand Lodge Officers of the State of Hawaii including MW Andy Geiser, MW Dustin Verity and MW Wilson Camagan.  Congratulations to PM Sean Stueber for his hard work and dedication to the craft and welcome WM Lane Leeper and his suite of 2025 Officers!

Your 2025 Officers of Kilauea Blue Lodge F.&A.M.

Knights of Saint Andrew

The Knights of Saint Andrew were seen sitting around their round table in Kona recently, feasting and merriment abounded as one should expect when having Knights involved.

Meetings and Events

Deadline for submissions to the monthly Trestleboard is the 26th of the month.  You may submit your article, photo, event to WB Graham Warne-Secretary Kilauea Blue Lodge F.&